I have so much to be thankful for this year, and I felt it would only be fair if I were to count my blessings and share what I am thankful for this year. This year has been the best year to date. So many great and amazing things have happened and I can’t wait for what the next year will bring.
I am grateful for
My fiancé Nick. Yup - #1 because I love him so much.
2. My family. My mom, dad, sister and brother. Then there is all my extended family. My Aunts & Uncles, Cousins (shout out to Chelsea – as I am grateful for the chance to get to know her really well this year), and Grandparents who are always there to support me.
3. New family. Nick’s parents, brothers, sister and all his really nice extended family.
4. My friends. Bianca, Crystal, Beverley, Rachel, Kayleigh, Randi, Breanne, just to name a few!
5. Church. Yes at times I may have to drag myself out of bed to get there, but once I am there, I am so glad that I did. It really does bring so much joy to my life.
6. Prayer
7. Missionaries. They have so much for me this year.
8. Love
9. My new position with Alberta Health Services. I start October 31st and this will bring so many opportunities and amazing experience.
10. My home. I live with my best friend Bianca in a beautiful house that I love inviting and having people over.
11. New House. Nick and I are building a new house in Calgary, and it is supposed to be done around April (also when we’re getting married). So excited that we are building our first home together that we can start our life and family in.
12. Future Wedding. Yup – I am excited that I am marrying my best friend in less than 6 months!
13. My Health. With my job and what I have to read, it’s hard to take my health and physical abilities for granted.
14. Nights in. I love when Nick and I stay in, cuddle and watch a good movie.
15. Walks. It’s the one thing I am going to miss in the winter. I love when Nick and I take walks outside and just talk.
16. Evenings out with my friends. I always feel so happy when I am out having fun with my friends.
17. My cellphone! I feel so naked when I leave home without it
18. Laptop
19. Internet. You could say I can be addicted at times.
20. Facebook.
21. Ice Cream. Enough said
22. Music. Always can lift my mood.
23. Christmas. Oh how I can’t wait for Christmas this year. Families, the good cheer everyone has, presents, snow, beautiful lights, the list goes on!
24. Calgary Stampede. I didn’t go this year, but I will for sure be going next year as it will be their 100th year! So excited. Fireworks!
25. My car.
26. My bed.
27. My clothes. I love shopping (a little too much according to Nick) and I love going out feeling great in a new outfit that I just bought. This year I have been really collecting/purchasing beautiful purses.
28. Books! I just finished reading all 3 books of the Hunger Games. They were so good – I could not put them down! Now I just need to find other really good book to read.
29. The Big Bang Theory, How I Meet Your Mother, Teranova, Glee and Modern Family.
30. Gym Membership. Good endorphins.
31. Calgary. I love the city I live in. The people, seasons, mountains, countryside, activities, etc. I will always be Alberta Bound!
32. Canada and the freedom that it offers.
33. Holidays. I got to go to Vegas this year (where I got engaged I might add), and I can’t wait till next year when I get to go away on my Honeymoon and then Summer is here again (camping)!.
34. Co-Workers. I have had the privilege of working with a lot of great people over the last year that have shown me so much and given me so much support.
35. Saskatoon. As much as the move sucked for a little while – it was the best decision I ever made. I was able to meet some great people, get work experience and it was the best thing I did for my relationship to move forward.
I am sure there a few things I am missing. But in general I am grateful for everything I have. Even the bad – as it gives me opportunity to grow as a person and be better. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving with your families. Happy Turkey Eating!