don’t know what it has been lately, but sitting down to blog has been
extra hard for me. I guess I just put a lot of effort into my posts, and
want it to look good. For the same post that just takes a minute or 2
to read, it actually takes me hours to complete with the writing, proof
reading, picture touch-ups like cropping or highlighting to uploading
everything, and finally adjusting layouts and adding captions. In the
end it is worth it because it gives me a lot of satisfaction and I love
seeing how it all turns out. A couple times a year I just love to go
back a read through old posts. It’s a great way to count my blessings.
This is my journal, my scrapbook, a recollection of my life’s
highlights. It also a great help at the end of the year when I go to
make my family newsletter and a blog recap to just take a quick scroll
through my blog and compile everything because it’s all in one spot.
Eventually (it’s my 2014 goal) I want to actually take my blog and start
making a few books out of it so I have it in hard copy form.
time to get on with my blog post. Earlier this year, my friends and I
agreed that we needed to do one big and fun thing this summer with the
whole group. So we decided to plan a camping trip. The last time I did a
camping trip similar to this was back in 2008/2009 (I really can’t
remember the year, and this is where a blog post would have come in
handy...lol). But as you can see, we were due for a camping trip. Since
Bianca and Crystal mostly planned the Fernie Ski Trip, I decided
that I would take on the planning of the camping trip. Well the first
thing we needed to do was find a camping spot, and that’s where I turned
to the guys as they have more expertise in this area. I wanted a place
that could handle a possible 15 – 20 people as we planned on inviting
all of our friends and with lots of notice I was expecting a larger
group to join us. Carus told me about random camping and it was the best
choice for what we were planning for. The Pros was there was really no
limit on how many people could come, and there was no fee, so if a
couple of people backed out last minute (which you always have to plan
for) it wouldn’t effect anything. The only “Con” was that we had to
truly rough it, as there would be no services whatsoever. We lost one
person on that fact... (it’s okay, we still love you Bev!).

Ashley with her nephew
Me and Alexa
A little beer pong
Andrew, Austin and Kurtis playing a little soccer.
Bianca, Breanne and Crystal
Nick "smiling" for the camera
Bianca injured (again).
Andrew, Calvin, Sean, Danika, Kurtis, Jordo, Bianca and Chad playing a card game
I picked a weekend, created the event and began inviting and telling
people to make room in their calendars for a camping trip near the end
of August.
one fear in picking the date was Nick’s school schedule (or lack
thereof). I planned this camping trip back in the spring, and when it
came to Nick’s class and practicum dates, his school would only release
them when necessary (so basically just before a class or practicum would
start). I just came to terms that if Nick had practicum that weekend he
wouldn’t be able to come, and I would just deal with it and understand
the sacrifice. In the end, the weekend in August that I happened to pick
was the ONE weekend in August that he didn’t have practicum. Talk about
good luck!
mom Denise created “Carus” signs (which was the reason we named our
little campsite “Carus Town”) and he set them up to help guide the group
to the campsite. The original directions weren’t the easiest to follow
and a few people got lost, so after coming up with better directions
they drove to where they had cell reception (as there was NO reception
where we were camping) and sent out much better directions Thursday
shocked me the most was the fact that 25 people ended up coming - and
that was after a few no-shows. I was seriously thinking we were only
going to have about 12 – 15 people come. I guess as more and more people
decided to come, those who weren’t sure, decided to come after all.
We left Friday (August 23rd)
morning right after Nick got home from practicum. Some of the group
went earlier on Wednesday and Thursday, but Nick refused to take off any
time from practicum. It was fine, and the great thing about camping is
that people could show up and leave whenever they want too. The bulk of
the group was there between Friday night and Saturday anyways.
and I didn’t have a tent, and at first I was just planning on borrowing
one from my parents, but we decided that since this wasn’t going to be
our only camping trip we might as well invest in one. For food I
suggestion people to bring pre-made tin foil meals. Nick and I went
through Pinterest and selected the meals we would like to try. I went
out and bought all the ingredients and other food we would need to bring
camping. We had baked potatoes, parmesan and ranch chicken and veggies
the first night. On Saturday morning I made the “Lumberjack Breakfast”
which consisted of hash browns, peppers, sausages, eggs and cheese. For
the final supper I did a classic salmon with asparagus. We were also
bringing my brother Austin, so I had to make 3 of every meal. For lunch I
stuck to good ol’ hotdogs! On the final morning I was planning on just
having cereal, but I ended up forgetting the milk so we did a big
combined group breakfast where everyone donated what leftover food they
had and Kim (Andrew’s dad), Crystal and Bianca made an assortment of
it was a great weekend filled with lots of relaxation – which is what I
wanted the most. We hung out by the gorgeous river that ran behind the
campsite, played card games and horseshoe, and did some gun shooting.
The group that went earlier had a little fun with bubbles and fly
fishing was the activity of the weekend. My sister and I introduced the
group to our family’s campfire jelly and whip cream filled croissants (I
know Claire was a major fan and spent the night perfecting her art).
though I was glad to get home on Sunday, I am already planning next
year’s trip! Thank you to everyone who came and added to the fun, and a
huge thank you to the “Grown Ups” (Carus’s parents and Andrew’s dad) who
brought their expertise and fancy gear! I had a lot of help in the
organising of this trip including help from Carus, Crystal, Bianca,
Ashley and Sean.