So I’m finally getting around to posting about this past
August Long Weekend. The weeks after the long weekend have been so busy, that the last
thing on my mind was this blog post. Well I’m finally writing about it, so here
we go. On Saturday, Crystal, Ashley, Sherri and I ran the Color Me Rad 5k (though
it really wasn’t quite 5k…) at Olympic Park. It was such a fun race, and we
just made sure it was more about fun instead of competing. Every kilometer they
had a “colour station” which you had to run through while volunteers threw
colour on people. I don’t remember the particular order of the stations, but I
know there was yellow, green, pink, purple and orange. Following the race there
was dancing and more colour throwing. In all, it was a fantastic day and I can’t
wait to do it next year. It was also hilarious the amount of looks we got on
the c-train ride home. People definitely avoided sitting right next to us so as
to not colour on them (though the colour stuck pretty good on us). When I got
home I tried giving Nick a kiss, and the most I got out of him was a quick peck
while he yelled at me to get into the shower immediately. My white shirt went
straight into the trash, and I had a very long shower (probably 3x as longer
than normal).

The "before" picture

Us finishing the race!
(Some photos courtesy of Crystal Veness)
On Sunday, Crystal and I went to the Halo High Water benefit
concert for the Calgary Flood at the Jubilee. It’s been a
long time since Crystal and I have had some good quality time
together, and I thoroughly enjoyed my evening with her. We had a quick bite to
eat at Cactus Club and headed down to the concert. I was most looking forward
to Paul Brandt, but the people I enjoyed the most were George Canyon, Brett
Kissell and Dean Brody. They killed their performances, and they did such a
fantastic job.
After, Crystal and I went
to Peters Drive-In like the good ol’ times, and reminisced about the days when
we use to go to the Saturday night dances and Peter’s to hang out after. I
seriously had an amazing night with Crystal, and I was so glad that we got that
time to have bonding time.
Shameless selfie of my concert outfit. Thanks Whitney for letting me borrow your boots!
Crystal and I just before the concert starting.
Good ol' Peters' Drive-In after the concert
On Monday we celebrated Kevin’s birthday at Kuzina’s on 17th
Avenue, and it’s probably the best Greek food I’ve had in a long time.
dinner we headed back to Bianca’s for some games (which only lasted for like an
hour…lol) and more fun. It was a great evening, and I it was hard for me to
In all it was a GREAT Long Weekend!
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