Day Three
Resting my injured leg by the fire
Crystal making her awesome breakfast
Visiting the crew at lunch
Playing multiple rounds of Catan on our last night
So on Sunday morning, Nick and I stayed back at the cabin nursing my injured leg. I was kind of bummed out on not being able to ski on the second day, but there was nothing I could do. I could barely put any weight on my left leg, let alone walk.
The morning started with Crystal making caramelized bananas on pancakes with ice cream. It was one of the best breakfasts I have ever had. Yum-my! Then everyone left for the hill, and I poured myself a nice hot bath and took my time getting ready. Carus, Nick and I left around 11am, and we meet up with everyone for lunch. I was so glad that we did, because it made me feel like we didn't miss out on much. By the time we got back to the cabin, everyone followed within a few hours and supper was made. After supper, Carus, Andrew, Kurtis and Sean packed up and left back to Calgary as they either had school or work the next morning. Braden and Shalene left soon after, so it was me, Kris, Nick, Crystal and Bianca for the rest of the night. We played soo many rounds of Catan and I introduced Crytal to the awesomeness of Killer Bunnies (we already have plans to play it again at the end of this month).
Finally, after a long night (but a really fun one), we all headed to bed. It was probably one of my favourite nights spent at the cabin.
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