Thursday, July 5, 2012

hair show

Okay, time for me to catch up! You would think that after the wedding, my life would slow down a little, but for some reason it hasn’t. It’s probably due to the fact that the wedding caused me to put so many things on hold, and now that the wedding is over, I have a mountain of things to catch up on and get done this summer. Also, lately I have been feeling like I have been pulled into so many directions as far as my spare time goes. Between my full time job, moving, setting up our home, church, family, friends, joining accounts and changing my last name on a number of items, I feel I have very little downtime. Every week I look at my calendar and just feel overwhelmed with everything I am doing and am amazed at how little time I am at home. I swear I am only home to sleep, and there are times I come home through the front door late at night and I think to myself if I can even start to consider having a baby when I am just so busy. I obviously know that when you have a baby, I won’t have a full time job to contend with for awhile and I can force people to come to me, instead of going out and seeing them ;) But still, babies require so much time, and I worry that I don’t have it.
One of my faults is that I am such a huge people pleaser and I feel obligated to go to everything that I am invited too, as well as plan my own get-togethers with everyone I know to catch up and see them. I also spend close to 2 hours every day just driving to and from work {and that is such a huge chunk of time}. At the moment I can’t change that, but I am working towards transferring to a location closer to where I live, but this might not happen for a little while. This past Sunday I began to think that I really need to change how I manage my time and figure out which people are most important to me, and not get so worried about missing out on a few minor get-togethers. The problem is I have major FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). I hate feeling left out and want to be included in as many things as possible. Still, I’m going insane and what is the point of seeing certain people that I don’t need to, when I have other things I need to accomplish {like some quality time with the Hubby}.
Okay, enough of my little rant.
A few weeks ago, my mom and sister Danika were a part of a Cancer Charity Fundraiser in a unique way. My sister use to work at a salon called Cactus Club when she was an apprentice and when my mom opened up her salon Eko Styles, my sister obviously moved over to work with our mom. Well I guess about 4 months ago, they were approached by Cactus Club, and were asked if they wanted to participate in a Hair Show for this fundraiser dinner that was going to be held in Okotoks. Well, just like any hair show, they needed models, and I was asked to be one.
It was a long day, but it turned out to be extremely successful. There are even talks of doing it again as it was so much fun, and everyone loved seeing the different hairstyles the stylists created. As I was getting my hair done and seeing what the final result was going to be, I texted Nick saying that he was totally going to freak out. He then replied saying that he’s not one to “freak out”, and when has he ever gotten excited or freak out about anything. I said I guess he was right, as he is pretty mellow and isn’t high strung {unlike me}. Well when I got home that night, boy was he wrong. He totally was freaked out. He said that he was not expecting my hair to be as crazy as it was, and didn’t know what to think of it. He was like “Get away from”...”Wait, let me see it”....”no, go away, I don’t like looks gross and it smells funny”. Haha. It took the 2 of us a half hour to take it all out, and I had to wash my hair twice!
Enjoy the cool photos!
 Models from the Cactus Club Salon

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